
Train partly derails in eastern Taiwan, killing 34, injuring dozens

Train partly derails in eastern Taiwan, killing 34, injuring dozens

TIL Desk/World/Taipei/ A train partially derailed along Taiwan’s east coast, killing at least 34 people and injuring dozens, police said. Media reported 350 passengers were on board. Reports said a truck fell from a cliff above and landed on the tracks, where a train emerging from a tunnel smashed into it.

With much of the train still trapped in the tunnel, escaping passengers were forced to scale doors, windows and roofs to reach safety. The crash occurred near the Toroko Gorge scenic area around 9 a.m. on a public holiday.

A train partially derailed along Taiwan’s east coast Friday, injuring an unknown number of passengers and causing potential fatalities.

Media reported 350 passengers were on board, four of whom were listed as in critical condition with injuries. Other unconfirmed reports said four had died and more than 20 suffered serious injuries.

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