
Trump asks Republicans to pass Health Care Act

Trump asks Republicans to pass Health Care Act

TIL Desk/World/Washington-President Donald Trump has given an ultimatum to Republicans to pass the American Health Care Act as he threatened to leave “Obamacare” in place and “move ahead with other priorities” after his administration failed to get enough votes for its passage.

“Disastrous #Obamacare has led to higher costs & fewer options. It will only continue to get worse! We must #RepealANDReplace. #PassTheBill,” Trump said in a tweet. In a closed-door meeting with Republican lawmakers, Trump warned his party colleagues to leave Obamacare in places unless they pass the legislation to repeal and replace it.

The message was communicated through the White House budget director Mick Mulvaney. Mulvaney warned that if the legislation fails to pass through the Congress, Trump would move ahead with his other priorities. “We have to have a vote tomorrow. He expects it to pass, but he’s moving on if for some reason, it didn’t,” Congressman Chris Collins from New York told .

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