
Trump declares Obamacare ‘essentially dead’

Trump declares Obamacare 'essentially dead'

TIL Desk/World/Washington/ A beaming US President Donald Trump has declared Obamacare “essentially dead” after the House of Representatives narrowly approved his controversial plan to dismantle his predecessor Barack Obama’s legacy healthcare programme.

Unfazed by protesters shouting “Shame on you!”, Trump and Republicans celebrated after the bill passed the 216-vote threshold, with just one vote to spare – something that had seemed almost impossible for the administration just days ago.

Though the voting largely went as per the party lines, no Democrats backed the bill and 20 Republicans opposed it, an intense series of negotiations preceded the first step to repeal and replace Obama’s landmark Affordable Care Act.

Republicans passed the American Health Care Act 217 to 213, taking an important first step to fulfil a seven-year promise to replace the 2010 law.

Moments later, there were celebrations on the White House lawn, where a reception was held for Republicans in the House of Representatives. Nearly 70 Republican members attended the celebration and lined up on the stairs in a photo formation.

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