
Trump questions Hillary Clinton’s religious faith

Trump questions Hillary Clinton's religious faith

TIL Desk/World/Washington-Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has questioned his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton’s commitment to her Christian faith, saying that little is known about her spiritual life even though she has been in the public eye for decades. “We don’t know anything about Hillary in terms of religion,” Trump told a group of evangelical leaders. A video of the meeting was posted on social media. “Now, she’s been in the public eye for years and years, and yet there’s no — there’s nothing out there,” he said.

“There’s like nothing out there. It’s going to be an extension of Obama but it’s going to be worse, because with Obama you had your guard up. With Hillary you don’t, and it’s going to be worse,” 70-year-old Trump said. In response to Trump’s remarks, the Clinton campaign released a statement by evangelical leader Deborah Fikes, who has served as an executive advisor to the World Evangelical Association. “Hillary Clinton is the leader who people of faith are looking for,” Fikes said.

“There is a troubling trend underway in America today.  Donald Trump — a major party’s presumptive presidential nominee — has used even more disturbing language to mock women, Latinos, and people with disabilities,” said Fikes. “He has repeatedly called for a ban on Muslims entering our country. And he has promised to have surveillance in Muslim neighbourhoods in cities and suburbs across the United States.  As an evangelical Christian, it troubles me deeply to see abuse of the vulnerable and intolerance toward religious minorities on the rise,” he said.

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