
Trump rejects US pull-out from Afghanistan, warns Pakistan

Trump rejects US pull-out from Afghanistan, warns Pakistan

TIL Desk/World/Washington/ In other news, ruling out a hasty withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, President Donald Trump today issued the sternest warning yet by an American leader to Pakistan for providing safe havens to terrorists and sought an enhanced role for India to bring peace in the war-torn country.

Trump, in his first prime-time televised address to war- weary Americans as commander-in-chief, laid out his South Asia policy saying a “critical part” of it was to further develop US’ strategic partnership with India.

He said after a “comprehensive review”, it was decided that the American strategy in Afghanistan and South Asia will change dramatically and American troops will “fight to win” America’s 16-year-old war.

“From now on, victory will have a clear definition: attacking our enemies, obliterating ISIS, crushing al-Qaeda, preventing the Taliban from taking over the country, and stopping mass terror attacks against Americans before they emerge,” he said of his new Afghanistan strategy.

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