
Trump’s new counter-terrorism strategy identifies LeT as potential threat to US

Trump's new counter-terrorism strategy identifies LeT as potential threat to US

TIL Desk/World/Washington/ The new National Strategy for Counter-terrorism released by the White House has identified two Pakistan-based terrorist groups — Lashkar-e-Tayiba and Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan — along with Boko Haram as a potential threat to the United States. In addition to ISIS and al-Qa’ida, dozens of other radical Islamist terrorist groups are working to advance more locally focused insurgent or terrorist campaigns, while still posing a threat to United States persons and interests overseas, said the National Strategy for Counter-terrorism, released by the White House on Thursday.

“These groups, including Boko Haram, Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan, and Lashkar-e-Tayiba, employ a range of political and terrorist tactics to undermine local governments and conduct attacks,” it said. United States President Donald Trump issued a tough warning to terrorist groups and their supporters that the United States will defeat its enemies with the full force of American might.

The strategy for counter-terrorism focuses efforts on pursuing terrorists to their source and isolating terrorists from their support, the US administration said. “Guided by the National Strategy for Counterterrorism, we will use all instruments of American power to protect our great nation, and we will defeat ‘our enemies with the full force of American might,” Trump said after basic contours of National Strategy for Counterterrorism were made public.

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