
US, North Korea in informal talks for 3rd summit: Seoul

US, North Korea in informal talks for 3rd summit: Seoul

TIL Desk/World/Seoul/ The US and North Korea were holding “behind-the-scenes talks” to explore the possibility of another bilateral summit, South Korean President Moon Jae-in said on Wednesday. “Both sides have been engaged in dialogue in regard to a third summit,” the President said in an interview .

 “It”s noteworthy that the behind-the-scenes talks have been preceded by the mutual understanding of each other”s position gained through the Hanoi summit,” Moon said. He was referring to the second meeting between US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in February, which ended inconclusive.

According to the South Korean President, conditions are ripe for the resumption of formal denuclearisation talks. “There has already been considerable headway made in the peace process on the Korean Peninsula, and it is still making steady progress,” Moon said. “The resumption of negotiations between North Korea and the US will take it to the next level. I believe everything has now fallen into place for that to happen,” he said.

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