
US President Biden warns Americans in Ukraine to ‘leave now’

US President Biden warns Americans in Ukraine to 'leave now'

TIL Desk/World/Washington/ United States President Joe Biden warned Americans in Ukraine to leave the country immediately amid tensions between Moscow and Kiev, saying that sending US troops for an evacuation would mean ‘world war’.”American citizens should leave now,” Biden said during an interview.

“It’s not like we’re dealing with a terrorist organisation. We’re dealing with one of the largest armies in the world. It’s a very different situation and things could go crazy quickly,” he said, according reports.

Asked about what scenario would require US troops to enter Ukraine to evacuate Americans, Biden responded: “There’s not. That’s a world war when Americans and Russia start shooting at one another.

“Meanwhile, the US State Department has issued a new advisory urging Americans in Ukraine to leave the country at the earliest possibility, strengthening earlier warnings that urged its citizens to ‘consider’ such action.

‘Do not travel to Ukraine due to the increased threats of Russian military action and COVID-19; those in Ukraine should depart now via commercial or private means. If remaining in Ukraine, exercise increased caution due to crime, civil unrest, and potential combat operations should Russia take military action. Some areas have increased risk,’ the advisory said on Thursday (local time).

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