
White House responsible for crimes against Iran: Hassan Rouhani

TIL Desk/World/Tehran/ Irans President Hassan Rouhani has slammed the US over imposing “inhumane” sanctions, saying the White House is responsible for all the “hostile measures and crimes” against Tehran. Rouhani made the remarks on Saturday during a meeting of the National Headquarters for Managing and Fighting the Covid-19 pandemic here.

“The Americans stopped the entry of medicine and food to our country through illegal and inhumane sanctions as well as terrorist operations. ”We have never seen people with such level of barbarism at the White House. They committed the worst atrocities,” the President was quoted as saying.

He also condemned the US authorities for blocking a $5 billion loan from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in April to help Iran fight its battle against the ongoing pandemic which has so far infected 443,086 people and killed 25,394 others.

 Rouhani’s remarks came a week after US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on September 19 said the sanctions against Iran were being re-imposed according to the “snapback” mechanism under UN Security Council Resolution 2231, which endorsed the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action also known as the JCPOA, or Iran nuclear deal.

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