
Will press Pak to deny terror sanctuaries: US Democratic Party

Will press Pak to deny terror sanctuaries: US Democratic Party

TIL Desk/World/Washington-Describing India as an “important Pacific power”, the draft election manifesto of the Democratic Party has said it would continue to invest in long-term strategic relationship with the country and “press” Pakistan to deny terrorists sanctuaries on its soil. The Democratic Party Platform — akin to election manifesto of political parties in India — would be formally adopted at its convention in Philadelphia later this month wherein Hillary Clinton would be nominated as the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee for the November general elections.

A draft of the platform was released by the Democratic Party yesterday. Among its members include people from both Clinton and the rival Bernie Sanders’ campaigns. Indian-American Neera Tanden, who is widely seen as a potential Cabinet member of the Clinton administration, is among its members. “Democrats will continue to invest in a long-term strategic partnership with India — the world’s largest democracy, a nation of great diversity, and an important Pacific power,” the platform said, signalling that a Democratic administration would continue with the India policy of the Obama Administration.

The platform said the US will work with its allies and partners to fortify regional institutions and norms as well as protect freedom of the seas in the South China Sea. “We will push back against North Korean aggression and press China to play by the rules. We will stand up to Beijing on unfair trade practices, currency manipulation, and cyber-attacks. And we will promote greater respect for human rights, including the rights of Tibetans,” it said.

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