
Won’t ‘abandon’ Saudi Arabia over Khashoggi killing, says Trump

Won't 'abandon' Saudi Arabia over Khashoggi killing, says Trump

TIL Desk/World/Washington/ United States President Donald Trump has defended his decision to not hold the Saudi rulers accountable for the killing of dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi arguing that maintaining strategic ties with Saudi Arabia was in the best interest of America and keeping the global oil prices down.

“Because it’s America first to me,” Trump told reporters, adding that despite Khashoggi’s murder, the US will remain a “steadfast partner” of Saudi Arabia to ensure its interests as well as those of Israel and all other partners in the region. “It is our paramount goal to fully eliminate the threat of terrorism throughout the world!” Trump said in a statement that immediately drew sharp criticism from his political opponents.

“I’m shocked that President Trump said there will be no punishment for Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman for the killing of Jamal Khashoggi,” Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein said as she and several other lawmakers announced their plan to bring in legislations to block arms sales to Saudi Arabia. Responding to questions from reporters at the White House before leaving for Florida to spend his Thanksgiving holidays, Trump said his decision was all about America first.

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