TIL Desk Hollywood/ Rs 5 crore for a five-minute performance at an awards event? Actress Priyanka Chopra says she finds such talk “funny” as the boys, who get “ridiculous” number of zeroes on their cheques, are never asked such questions.
Priyanka is the only female who made it to the Top 10 in India Celebrity List 2017 of a magazine with an earning of Rs 68 crore. The actress was in Delhi for an event on Tuesday when she spoke about how her dream has always been about achieving the intangible joy of leaving behind a legacy.
“It’s not about whether I want a car or want so many zeros on my cheque. For me, it has always been bigger than that… There’s a bigger picture,” she said. So, do those zeroes matter?
“Yes. Because I work very hard for them. And I wasn’t born with a silver spoon, though my parents always gave me one. I always worked very hard to be where I am and I think each one of us deserves to be compensated for it.”
Priyanka, who has carved a niche for herself in Hollywood with her role in American TV show ‘Quantico’, said she is “extremely proud” of being the only woman in a men’s only top 10 list.