TIL Desk Bollywood/ Bollywood star Sanjay Dutt has unveiled the first motion poster of his upcoming Telugu remake ‘Prassthanam’ and his rustic look is sure to turn heads. In the poster, Sanjay wears a white ‘dhoti-kurta’ and is walking in a farm against the background of a dimly-lit sky. The tagline of the film is ‘Earn The Legacy’.
Dutt took to Twitter to unveil the poster as he wrote, “Haq doge toh Ramayan shuru hogi, chhinoge toh Mahabharat! Presenting the official poster of #Prassthanam @PrassthanamFilm @SanjayDuttsProd @devakatta @mkoirala @bindasbhidu @ChunkyThePanday @AmyraDastur93 @alifazal9 #MaanayataDutt @Sandy_Bhargava @satyajeet_dubey.”
The movie will also star Manisha Koirala, Ali Fazal and Amyra Dastur in pivotal roles. The star commenced the shooting for the film in June. ‘Prassthanam’ will also mark Dutt’s return to Bollywood as a producer. His last production venture was the 2011 film ‘Rascals’.