TIL Desk/National/New Delhi/ Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday said India is trying to reduce its carbon footprint by 30-35 per cent and working to double its oil refining capacity in the next 5 years. He stressed on Gujarat’s solar power movement and said that the energy sector can provide growth and jobs alike. He was virtually addressing the 8th Convocation of Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University in Gandhinagar.
“India is trying to reduce its carbon footprint by 30-35% today. The world was amazed when they got to know about it. We need to increase natural gas’ usage by 4 times in our need for energy. We are also working to double the oil refining capacity of the nation in the next 5 years,” the PM said.
He also said that India is moving swiftly on the solar energy scale. “Today, the per unit cost has dropped from Rs 12-13 to under Rs 2,” he claimed and added that Solar power has become an “integral part of the nation”. Modi added that the aim is 175 GW of renewable energy by 2022.