
Budget transparent, nothing hidden under carpet: Sitharaman

Budget transparent, nothing hidden under carpet: Sitharaman

TIL Desk/Business/New Delhi/ Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Monday said the government has come out with open and transparent Budget and has not made any attempt to hide anything under the carpet.

She said that the focus of the Budget 2021-22 has been on spending big on infrastructure and attending to the needs of healthcare sector for reviving Indian economy which is expected to contract by 7.7 per cent in the current fiscal ending March hit by the COVID-19 crisis.

Briefing media after the presentation of Budget in Parliament, Sitharaman said the government has not lost opportunity to clean up its own book. “I had started in July 2019 continued it in February 2020 and even now we have made accounts more transparent. “Nothing is pushed under the carpet. We are showing clearly where money is going.

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