
I never spoke to Elon Musk on buying Tesla: Tim Cook

I never spoke to Elon Musk on buying Tesla: Tim Cook

TIL Desk/Business/New Delhi/ Apple CEO Tim Cook has said that he never spoke to Tesla CEO Elon Musk about buying his failed electric car business couple of years back. Musk in December last year tweeted that he offered Cook to sell his electric car company at one-tenth of its value during the struggling period in 2017 but the Apple CEO refused to meet him.

In an interview, Cook said that talks never happened. “You know, I’ve never spoken to Elon, although I have great admiration and respect for the company he’s built,” Cook was quoted as saying. Musk had said that during the “darkest days” for Tesla Model 3, he wanted to sell the company off.

“During the darkest days of the Model 3 programme, I reached out to Tim Cook to discuss the possibility of Apple acquiring Tesla (for 1/10 of our current value). He refused to take the meeting,” Musk had said in a tweet. Musk’s tweet came as reports resurfaced that Apple is planning to introduce its first electric, autonomous car in 2024.

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