TIL Desk/Business/Mumbai/ More than a month after nepotism allegations against her, ICICI Bank MD and CEO Chanda Kochhar on Monday said that the private lender works under and abides by all regulatory norms and that it has been fully cooperating with regulatory and investigative agencies.
Kochhar was addressing a press conference to announce the company’s earning results for the quarter and financial year ended March 31.
Asked about the possibility of a third-party audit on the Videocon issue, Kochhar said: “As the Board had earlier said that we have been extending full cooperation to the regulatory and investigative agencies, and that we will continue to cooperate with them.”
On the possible succession plan, Kochhar said that the company’s board has made its stand clear. “The board has made its stand very clear in the March 28 meeting and as far as bank operations are concerned you can see the stability, the enhancement and the franchise and the results,” Kochhar said.