TIL Desk/Business/New Delhi/ Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Friday said that scrutiny of tax return filers has declined since 2014, and only 0.25 per cent of the total number of filers were scrutinised in 2018-19.
In her address at the virtual inauguration of the Nani Palkhivala Centenary Celebrations at the SASTRA University, she said the government views the taxpayers as “nation-builders”.
Noting that lot of people complain on social media regarding harassment by tax authorities, she said: “Through the social media, we hear lots of people saying ‘what’s happening, why are the tax authorities behind us, are we not paying our tax properly?
’“ Whilst respecting all of them, I want to put it before you the matter of fact – between 2014 and 2020, the number of scrutiny cases are only coming down and as of 2018-19, the scrutiny, as a percentage of total filers, is 0.25 per cent only.”