
Samsung must pay Apple $539mn in patent lawsuit: US court

Samsung must pay Apple $539mn in patent lawsuit: US court

TIL Desk/Business/San Francisco/ A US court has finally asked Samsung to pay $539 million to Apple for copying patented iPhone designs, after the two giants got entangled in a legal battle in 2011.

According to a report, Samsung was found liable in the initial verdict in 2012 and was initially asked to pay over $1 billion to Apple but the amount was later reduced in further court hearings.

Under the US patent law, infringement of a design patent can result in a plaintiff receiving total profits made through the product.

Samsung’s lawyers appealed the case, bringing down the compensation of $1 billion to $400 million in 2015 at the US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit.

This time, a jury in a northern California US district court in San Jose deliberated for five days to decide the fresh penalty in a case that alleged that Samsung’s Android handsets used design elements stolen from the iPhone maker.

“We’re grateful to the jury for their service and pleased they agree that Samsung should pay for copying our products,” Apple said in a statement.

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