TIL Desk/Business/Mumbai/ The BSE benchmark Sensex rose for the second day, gaining over 150 points on hectic buying in banking and IT stocks as easing concerns on the macro-economic front bolstered investors’ risk appetite. The broader NSE Nifty too witnessed a rise of 57 points. Market sentiments were boosted by a host of positive factors including stable rupee, falling crude oil prices, subdued retail inflation and steps to improve liquidity situations.
Both equity benchmarks Sensex and Nifty smartly recovered from day’s low towards the fag-end of the session, but global trade tensions ahead of G20 meet this week and mixed Asian peers kept participants cautious, restricting the gains on domestic bourses.
Analysts said that “risk element on inflation is subsiding with rise in oil production, strong rupee and drop in yield; CPI inflation is expected to be under the control range”. The 30-share Sensex settled 159.06 points, or 0.45 per cent, higher at 35,513.14, while the broader NSE Nifty jumped 57 points, or 0.54 per cent, to finish at 10,685.60.