TIL Desk/Business/New Delhi/ WhatsApp has informed the government that it is building a local team, including an India head, as part of steps to check fake news circulation but has not met the key demand of identifying message originators, according to official sources.
The popular messaging app is under fire over abuse of its platform for circulation of fake news that have incited mob fury. The IT ministry official said WhatsApp has responded to the government’s last notice, outlining initiatives being taken to curb fake news circulation including education and advocacy efforts.
It is also building an India-based team, the official said, but noted that the measures do not meet the government’s expectations on ‘traceability’ and attribution of such messages. WhatsApp, on its part, has maintained that message attributions would “undermine the private nature” of the platform, and leave it vulnerable potentially to “serious misuse”, a company official said.
When contacted, a WhatsApp spokesperson said: “To support our users in India and continue our investment in the country, it’s our top priority to hire a local leader who can help us build a team on the ground.” The two senior leadership roles that are currently open for India are — Head of India and Head of Policy.