Delhi-NCR, India, State

Muslims must abandon ‘boisterous rhetoric of supremacy’: Mohan Bhagwat

Muslims must abandon ‘boisterous rhetoric of supremacy’: Mohan Bhagwat

TIL Desk/National/New Delhi/ Muslims have nothing to fear in India, but they must abandon their “boisterous rhetoric of supremacy”, RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat has said. In an interview to Organiser and Panchjanya, Bhagwat also spoke in support of the LGBT community, saying that they too should have their own private space and the Sangh will have to promote this view.

“People with such proclivities have always been there; for as long as humans have existed… This is biological, a mode of life. We want them to have their own private space and to feel that they, too, are a part of the society. This is such a simple issue. We will have to promote this view because all other ways of resolving it will be futile,” he said.

Bhagwat said the new-found aggression among Hindus the world over was due to an awakening in the society that has been at war for over 1,000 years. “You see, Hindu society has been at war for over 1,000 years – this fight has been going on against foreign aggressions, foreign influences and foreign conspiracies. Sangh has offered its support to this cause, so have others.

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