Delhi-NCR, India, State

Our missile system is safe: Rajnath Singh in Rajya Sabha

TIL Desk/National/New Delhi/ On accidental firing of missile into Pakistan, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh today in Rajya Sabha said that “our missile system is highly reliable and safe”. Singh said that on March 9, 2022, during the routine maintenance and inspection of the missile unit, around 7 pm, one missile got accidentally released.

“It was later known that the missile fell in Pakistan’s territory. The incident is regrettable. But it’s a relief that no losses happened. I would like to inform the House that the government has taken this matter very seriously and official order for high-level probe has been given,” Singh said.

He further said, “The exact cause of the incident can be known only through a probe. I would also like to say that in the context of this incident, standard operating procedures of operations, maintenance and inspections are also being reviewed.”

“We give highest priority to safety and security of our weapon system. If any shortcoming found in this context, it’ll immediately be rectified. I would like to assure the House that our missile system is highly reliable & safe. Our safety procedure and protocols are high level,” the defence minister said.

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