Delhi-NCR, India, State

Pollution not just Delhi’s but North India’s problem, says Kejriwal

Pollution not just Delhi's but North India's problem, says Kejriwal

TIL Desk/National/New Delhi/ Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Friday remarked that pollution is not Delhi’s but North India’s problem, urging the Centre to take specific steps to relieve the region from the problem. Kejriwal also said that the Delhi government is mulling whether the odd-even scheme for vehicles should be implemented.

He went on to announce that the primary schools in Delhi will be shut from Saturday onwards till the pollution situation in the National capital improves.   The Delhi CM’s remarks come after the national capital reported the air quality in the ‘severe’ category for the second consecutive day.

 Addressing a joint press conference with Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann, Kejriwal took responsibility for the stubble burning in Punjab and said that it is not the time to blame game and doing politics over the sensitive issue.

 “Pollution is not just Delhi’s but entire Northern India’s problem. The Centre has to come forward and take specific steps so that the entire North India can be relieved from pollution. Air pollution is a North India problem. AAP, the Delhi government or the Punjab government are not solely responsible. Now is not the time for the blame game. There should not be politics over such a sensitive issue. I admit there is stubble burning in Punjab,” Kejriwal said.

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