TIL Desk Bollywood/ Bollywood star Aamir Khan will digitally launch the trailer of the Hindi version of Kamal Haasan’s bilingual “Vishwaroop 2” on June 11. The Telugu version of the trailer will be launched by Jr NTR and the Tamil version by Shruti Haasan digitally.
The film, directed and produced by Kamal — who is also its lead actor — is shot in Tamil and Hindi. It is also dubbed in Telugu. Its Hindi version will be presented by Rohit Shetty and Reliance Entertainment.
Kamal said in a statement: “I am extremely happy that we are coming out with the trailer of ‘Vishwaroop 2’. I have to thank you all for the patience you have had for this sequel and the constant love and support has not gone unnoticed.
“This film is very close to me and everyone who is a part of this film has worked very hard… It is the faith of the people in our work that makes us stronger. I hope you all like what we have made with love and passion for you all.”