TIL Desk Bollywood/ Veteran actor Dharmendra, who is currently spending his days at his Lonavala farmhouse, has shared a video of him practising shooting. “Friends…..Baarish nehi hoti …. drive pe nikal jaata hoon…..practice kar leeta hoon…….nishaanebaazi ki ….. love you all for your loving response…..(When it does not rain I drive and practice shooting),” he captioned the clip.
In the video, he also admitted that he hates hunting, but practice keeps him busy. “You are so active sir, God bless you,” a user commented on the video. “Love watching your videos sir,” another one wrote. Dharmendra often shares his videos. A few days ago, he posted a video of a peahen’s visit to his farm.
“What a coincidence…. kal Modi ji ke aangan mein… naachte dekha…aaj mere aangan mein….. jungle se ikk chali aye ….. video bhi nehi le paaya …. ud gai …. hum intzaar karein ge …….. (What a coincidence… yesterday we saw peacocks dancing in Modi ji’s courtyard, today a peahen flew from the jungle into my courtyard… but I couldn’t even make a video… she flew away… but I will wait),” Dharmendra tweeted.