TIL Desk Bollywood/ Bollywood star Emraan Hashmi on Monday revealed the logo of his upcoming film ‘Cheat India’. The ‘Azhar’ star took to social media to share the logo for the “edge-of-the-seat drama”. He wrote alongside, “#NakalMeinHiAkalHai. AGREE? #cheatindia @tseries @emraanhfilms @ellipsisentt @itsbhushankumar @tanuj_garg @atulkasbekar @parveenshahani”
Helmed by ‘Gulaab Gang’ director Soumik Sen, this is the second flick from Hashmi’s production house. ‘Cheat India’, which went on floors last month, will hit the big screens on January 25, 2019.
Earlier, while announcing the project in January, the ‘Baadshaho’ star said the film will take a startling look at the crimes in the Indian education system “which has created a parallel ecosystem infested with a mafia of sorts” and that he is sure every student and youth will hugely relate to the subject. He further said he was excited to be essaying a character which he believes will be a landmark one in his “film-ography”.