TIL Desk Bollywood/ Actress Radhia Apte, who is going to make her debut in Hollywood soon, admires actress Priyanka Chopra and truly respects her global fame. During India Today Mind Rocks Youth Summit 2018 on Saturday here, Radhika said: “I admire whatever Priyanka is doing. She is doing an amazing job. She has been in Hollywood for a while and has fought so many battles there.” However, she feels there is a dearth of south asian women in the world cinema.
“If you go to Canada or Los Angeles, you will get to see many South Asians there but on screens they are so less in number. It is abnormal not to have much South Asians on screens. We need more people.” Radhika also expressed that people should not only dream for Hollywood but also fight for equal respresentation in the world.
“I want our generation to break stereotypes and I want Indians who are making their foray in Hollywood to get all kinds of roles. “It does not mean if you are brown in colour, you will only get to play Indian characters in International films. This cliche thinking should be broken,” she added.