TIL Desk Bollywood/ Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan says he was offered to play the role of late Sunil Dutt in Rajkumar Hirani’s Sanju, the upcoming biopic on actor Sanjay Dutt, but he refused it only because he wanted to essay the title character. Aamir interacted with the media here on Wednesday.
Asked if he was offered to play the role of Sunil Dutt, he said: “He (Hirani) approached me with the script and I loved it. He wanted me to play Dutt saab’s role. It is a fantastic role and the story is largely on the father-son relationship. But Sanju’s role is unbelievable.
“So as an actor, I told Raju that Sanjay Dutt’s role is so wonderful that it won my heart. So in this film I can’t do any other role but Sanjay Dutt’s, which of course I cannot do because Ranbir (Kapoor) is playing it. So, do not offer me anything.”