TIL Desk Bollywood/ “I am going to run out of here” is how filmmaker Karan Johar reacted when he heard actress Kangana Ranaut’s name being mentioned at an event here. The filmmaker’s war of words with Kangana has led to a huge debate on nepotism in the film industry and Johar, who was present at the launch of Ustad Amjad Ali Khan’s book ‘Master on Masters,’ shared a funny moment with Suhel Seth on the same.
When Seth complimented Johar that he did not look his age, 44, the filmmaker quipped that he was “honoured” to listen something “polite” from him. To which, Seth replied, “I don’t believe in politics of hatred. I believe affection has a much more charming virtue.”
Johar added, “I have three words to ask- who are you ?” Seth just said “Kangana” as the filmmaker laughed and added, “Really ? Then I am going to run out of here.” Kangana kickstarted the debate on nepotism in Bollywood by calling Johar the “flag bearer of nepotism” on his TV chat show…