TIL Desk Bollywood/ Actor Saif Ali Khan said that his upcoming rom-com Jawaani Jaaneman is about accepting age and responsibilities as a father. He also praised his co-actor Tabu saying she is one of the best actors in the country. “This story is about a man accepting his age, his responsibilities and his journey in life. I think the father is one of the most important people in our lives.
A lot of people mess up being a father and create children that need therapy, that need friendship and that need all kinds of things to fix their problems because they are not ready to be responsible fathers,” said Saif, while interacting with the media at the launch of the song Gallan Kardi from his upcoming film.
“In the film, my character is not ready. He thinks that (having) a family is not cool, and the solo life is the way to go,” the actor added. Present with Saif at the song launch was his co-actor Alaya F, who is actress Pooja Bedi’s daughter and who makes her debut in the film. Film director Nitin Kakkar, singer Jazzy B and choreographer Muddassar Khan were also there.