TIL Desk Entertainment/ The Queen of Bollywood, Kangana Ranaut broke the internet by launching her first look as the host of most fearless reality show Lock Upp. The entire country was in a frenzy when the actor revealed her first look, and #LockUppWithKangana was the #2 trend on Twitter. Adding to the country’s excitement, the sensational and bold Kangana Ranaut, is ready to set your screens on fire by giving the first sneak-peek into the show as she reveals the teaser.
From the first second of the teaser, Kangana looks all fiery and glamorous as she sizzles down the alley of a grungy lockup. Then, waltzing into an addictive beat of the show’s tune with all her oomph and swears that things are about to get crazy! Then, describing the game’s rules, she takes a dig at all her haters and takes a jibe at nepotism in the industry.
Sporting a shiny baton in her hand, Kangana declares, “I have faced haters who filed FIRs to me and used nepotism against me. They turned my life into a 24X7 reality show. But now it is my turn. Main laa rahi hoon, the baap of all reality shows. Yahan papa ke paiso se bhi bail nahi milegi.”
While sharing the teaser on her social media, the actor wrote “Mera jail hai aisa, na chalegi bhaigiri na papa ka paisa!Get ready for #LockUpp streaming FREE from 27th Feb on @mxplayer and @altbalaji. Trailer out on 16th Feb.”
MX Player and ALTBalaji will Livestream this show 24×7 on their respective platforms and will have the audiences interact directly with the contestants. This show will empower the audiences to punish or award their chosen contestants and even play ‘Khabri’ to some. Produced by Endemol Shine India, the show premiers on MX Player &ALTBalaji from 27th February 2022. The 16 celebrity contestants will soon be revealed to the viewers. At first, viewers can also interact with the contestants.
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