TIL Desk Bollywood/ Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor Khan on the birthday of her cousin Armaan Jain on Wednesday posted a picture of him along with her son Taimur. In the pciture Kareena posted on Instagram, Armaan is seen playing with Taimur. The two are seen twinning in white.
“Happy birthday to my sweetheart of a brother @therealarmaanjain… we love you loads golden hearted boy,” Kareena wrote alongside the image. Kareena’s sister Karisma, too, posted a picture with Armaan.
“Happy 30th birthday to my baby bro. we love you,” Karisma captioned the image. Recently, Kareena and son Taimur have taken to pottery. Kareena and Taimur are on a family vacation in Himachal Pradesh where her husband Saif Ali Khan is shooting for his forthcoming film, “Bhoot Police”.