TIL Desk Tellywood/ Sanoj Raj from Bihar’s Jehanabad district is the first contestant of Kaun Banega Crorepati season 11 to win Rs 1 crore. Even though he failed to get the right answer of the jackpot question worth Rs 7 crore, Sanoj is happy about winning a crore. He says he considers the money to be his father’s.
“My father is a farmer. It is not about giving money to him. It is his money,” Sanoj said, “He couldn’t finish his studies due to our family’s condition. We concentrated on our studies so that we don’t have to face that situation.” Sanoj’s mother is a homemaker and stays in a joint family along with his grandparents, uncle, aunt, brothers and a sister.
Sanoj was accompanied to the show
by his father and uncle. After winning a crore, he called up his mother, who
said his struggles had borne fruit. The question that made Sanoj a crorepati
was: “The father of which Chief Justice of India was once chief minister
of an Indian state?”