TIL Desk Bollywood/ Amid wedding rumours, singer Neha Kakkar confirmed her relationship with Rohanpreet Singh through an Instagram post on Friday.
Neha posted a photograph of singer Rohanpreet and her, and captioned it: “You’re Mine @rohanpreetsingh #NehuPreet.”To this, Rohanpreet replied: “@nehakakkar Babuuuuuu I love youuu soooo much mera putt meri jaaaan YES I AM ONLY YOURS MERI ZINDAGI.”
Rohanpreet also shared a similar picture on his Instagram feed and introduced Neha as his “zindagi”. He wrote: “Meet my zindagi, Neha Kakkar. #NehuPreet.”Their confirmation comes at a time when there are strong marriage rumours. The wedding is expected to take place on October 24. In fact, a few days ago, a photo of Neha and Rohanpreet went viral and was rumoured to be from their roka ceremony.