TIL Desk Bollywood/ Actress Sonakshi Sinha says it’s time people stop calling movies with a female protagonist as “women centric” as it takes away the essence of the project. The 29-year-old actress feels the gender of the protagonist shouldn’t determine the kind of film one is making.
“I really want people to stop calling it a ‘female or women centric’ film. When a male actor does it nobody calls it a male centric movie. A film is a film, you watch it as that, not based on the gender of the protagonist,” Sonakshi told.
“These headlines that ‘Sonakshi is doing a female centric film’, it makes no sense. I am an actor, I am doing a film and that’s it. Gender doesn’t have to come in here.” Sonakshi, who last year appeared as a solo lead in “Akira” and is now gearing up for the release of “Noor”, which again stars her in the lead, says films with female protagonist in lead will someday also do the kind of business which a male star’s film does.