TIL Desk Tellywood/ The Q, India’s fastest growing Hindi general entertainment FTA channel is all set to bring a new show HasiKaHAHAkaar. The show’s sole purpose is to tickle those funny bones and make India laugh with its one-of-a-kind comedy fiction reality show. Internet’s favourite comic artiste & influencer Gaurav Gera has been roped in as the host of the show. Gaurav Gera started his career 2 decades ago with Hindi TV shows such as ‘Life NahinHaiLaddoo’ and ‘Ssshhhh…Koi Hai’ on Star Plus and then went on to win hearts of the audience with his memorable character Nandu in then popular show ‘JassiJaisi Koi Nahin’ on Sony TV. Gaurav is known for his impeccable comic timing and mimicking skills. Marking his return on television, Gaurav will be seen in various HATKE avatars in each episode, inviting the audience for a rib tickling ride. Each episode will see a famous comedy artist friend of Gaurav and together they will be seen interacting virtually with some of the best budding social-media comedy influencers bringing the brand’s DNA to life of getting the Best of Digital to Television.
On hosting the show, Gaurav Gera shares, “There is no dearth of talent in this country but what one lacks or often misses is a platform which can get you the much deserved recognition. It is remarkable of The Q to come up with a concept that brings budding artistes, influencers and stand-up comics all under one roof to showcase their talent on a medium like television that has such massive reach. I am absolutely delighted and super excited to host the show. Comedy is my comfort zone and I only hope that laughter and joy will fill your hearts with this show”
Speaking on the launch of HasiKaHAHAkaar, Simran Hoon, Chief Executive Officer, The Q shares “With our ZARA HATKE proposition, we always try to connect the best with Young India, offering them a variety of multi-genre content. HasiKaHAHAkaar is a comedy fiction reality show which is one of its kinds. By bringing a popular and talented comedy artist such as Gaurav, many other loved comedy artists and influencers from the industry and in addition budding comedy social media influencers, together on a platform, we are making sure to bring the best of digital to TV.”
The Q India is an advertiser and influencer-marketing supported Hindi language content brand, channel and VOD provider delivering hit digital programming from social media stars and leading digital video creators targeting Young Indian audiences. It has a growing library of over 850 programs. Stay tuned to THE Q channel for more updates on this fun ride of comedy.
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