TIL Desk Bollywood/ Actress Patralekhaa, who features in the upcoming film “Badnaam Gali” alongside Divyendu Sharma, says the dull phase in her career has taught her not to live on someone’s mercy and only sign up for films she is convinced with.
Patralekhaa of “Citylights” fame told: “One of the most important lessons that I have learnt from the tough phase of my career is that if I am not convinced, I won’t play the character. I think for a performer, for an actor, conviction is one of the most important elements and if I am not fully convinced, it shows in my performance.
“So from now on, everything I will do, I will do it with conviction. Also I have stopped taking nonsense from people because we actors are here by choice and we cannot be on anybody’s mercy… No one should make us feel insecure or vulnerable just because an artiste has a sensitive mind.”