
Yo Yo Honey Singh wife files domestic violence case, Seeks Rs 10 crore compensation

Yo Yo Honey Singh wife files domestic violence case, Seeks Rs 10 crore compensation

TIL Desk Bollywood/ Wife of Punjabi singer and actor Yo Yo Honey Singh has filed a domestic violence case against him and sought Rs 10 crore compensation under the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, saying she felt like a “farm animal…being treated cruelly”.

Chief Metropolitan Magistrate Tania Singh has issued notice to Singh, directing him not to alienate or create any third party rights in their jointly owned property in Noida or dispose of his wife’s jewellery and other articles, said her lawyer.

Shalini Talwar, Singh’s wife, said that she was subjected to numerous incidents of physical, verbal, mental, and emotional abuse at the hands of her husband and his family.

Talwar, 38, claimed that Singh beat her many times in the last few years and she is constantly living under fear as he and his family have threatened her with physical harm.

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