TIL Desk Bollywood/ While he can act, sing, dance and be the ‘Sultan’ of Bollywood, there’s one thing that Salman Khan feels he just cannot do. Present at the book launch of yesteryear’s female superstar Asha Parekh, the 51-year-old said, “I think it’s like the bravest thing for anyone to write their own biography. Never in my life I can do that.
“Salman, who was extremely ‘pleased’ to be present at the event, said, “Asha Aunty, thank you very much, I don’t deserve being here and I don’t know what to say. Everyone must buy the book because the generation that she belongs to, has lived the cleanest life ever; both professionally and personally. So, it will be a book of values and principles. ‘The Hit Girl’will elevate one as a person.”
It is interesting to know that Dabangg Khan had written the foreword for the book which has been penned by veteran film critic Khalid Mohamed. Also present at the launch were superstars Dharmendra and Jeetendra.