TIL Desk Bollywood/ Sending high tens and monster hugs to his well-wishers, actor Ranveer Singh on Wednesday said “Padmaavat” will be a film that the whole country will be proud of. On the eve of his forthcoming film’s release, Ranveer shared a letter on Twitter, where he said that he is very overwhelmed and that he feels blessed.
“I saw ‘Padmaavat’ in 3D last night. I am so overwhelmed with the film at this point that words fail me. I feel immensely blessed. I am also proud of my team. Team ‘Padmavaat’ for the win! High tens and monster hug to everyone,” Ranveer wrote in the letter.
The actor, who is portraying the role of Alauddin Khilji in filmmaker Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s period drama, said he is relieved and happy for the reaction he has got for his performance.
He wrote: “Thank you all for your kind and generous praise. Sanjay Sir has given me a gift of a character that I will forever be indebted to him for in my life, more than I already am.