TIL Desk Bollywood/ Superstar Shah Rukh Khan posted a heart-warming note on Twitter as he remembered the former Prime Minister of India, Atal Bihari Vajpayee. SRK, in his long note, said that he had lost a part of his childhood. He also wrote that he considered himself the luckiest to have had Vajpayee’s influence on him during his growing-up years.
Shah Rukh wrote, “My father use to take me for every speech that Mr. Vajpayee made in Delhi when I was growing up. Years on I had the opportunity to meet him and spend lots of time discussing poetry, films, politics and our ailing knees. I also had the privilege of enacting one of his poems for screen. He was fondly addressed as ‘Baapji’ at home.
Today the country has lost a Father Figure and a great leader.”“Personally I have lost a part of my childhood and growing up memories of learning smiling and of course poetry. I consider myself the luckiest to have had his influence on my life during my formative years. May his soul rest in peace. My deepest condolences to his family and friends. Will miss your smiling face Baapji,” the superstar added.