TIL Desk Bollywood/ Sonali Bendre celebrated Friendship Day on Sunday by sharing a heartwarming update from her life, as she continues her battle against cancer. She shared a picture of herself on Instagram with friends Gayatri Oberoi, and Sussanne Khan, who were visiting her in New York. The picture was clicked by Hrithik Roshan.
‘This is me,’ she writes. ‘And in this moment, I am really happy. People give me strange looks when I say that now, but it’s true and I’ll tell you why. I am now paying attention to every moment, looking for every opportunity to find joy and #SwitchOnTheSunshine.”Yes, there are moments of pain and low energy, but I am doing what I like, spending time with people I love, and feeling very loved and happy.’
‘I am extremely grateful to my friends, my pillars of strength, who at a moment’s notice, arrived to be with me and help me through this. In between their busy schedules they find time to visit, call, message, FaceTime… basically never leaving a moment for me to feel alone.’