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MS Dhoni hints at post-retirement plans in Viral Video says Report

MS Dhoni hints at post-retirement plans in Viral Video says Report

TIL Desk Sports/ A lot has been said about former India captain MS Dhoni’s retirement and the stumper has now himself fuelled the debate by revealing what he might opt to do after he calls it a day. In a video going viral on social media, Dhoni is seen flaunting his paintings and displaying a few of his artworks.

In the video, the 37-year-old displayed three paintings and said: “I wanted to share a secret with all of you. Right from childhood I always wanted to become an artist, I have played a lot of cricket so I decided it’s time for me now to take up what I wanted so I have made a few paintings.”

The first painting was a landscape drawing, the second one was of what he described as ‘something which can become a mode of transport in future.’ Describing the third one as his favourite, Dhoni said it was a replica of him while batting in Indian Premier League (IPL) outfit Chennai Super Kings’ jersey.

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