TIL Desk/National/New Delhi/ Voters in 117 Lok Sabha seats spread across 15 states and Union Territories will exercise their franchise on Tuesday in the third phase of Lok Sabha election. Over 18 crore 85 lakh voters, including 96598912 male, 86226460 female and 7043 third gender voters, will decide the fate of nearly 1640 candidates in the third phase.
Voting will be held in all 26 seats in Gujarat, 20 in Kerala, 2 in Goa, 1 each in Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu in the third phase on Tuesday. Besides, polling will also be held in four seats in Assam, five in Bihar, seven in Chhattisgarh, one in Jammu and Kashmir, 14 in Karnataka, 14 in Maharashtra, six in Odisha, 10 in Uttar Pradesh, five in West Bengal and one in Tripura. Here are some interesting facts about this phase:
* 116 Lok Sabha constituencies across 14 states and 2 UTs headed for polls.
* Third phase is biggest as it covers 116 parliamentary seats in a single phase.
* Over 18.85 crore voters to decide fate of 1640 candidates.
* Over 2.10 lakh polling stations in place for smooth conduct of polls.
* Anantnag Parliamentary constituency in Jammu & Kashmir would be going to polls in 3 parts in Phase III, Phase IV and Phase V of Lok Sabha elections, the only such PC in the country.
* The four districts to be covered in Anantnag are Anantnag, Kulgam, Shopian and Pulwama.
* The polls in Anantnag would be held on Tuesday April 23, in Kulgam on April 29, in Shopian and Pulwama on May 6, in all polling stations falling in these districts.
* Fearing law and order problems the election to Tripura (East) constituency were postponed from April 18 (Phase 2) to Aril 23 (Phase 3, that in on Tuesday).