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US, China set to take action against each other

US, China set to take action against each other

TIL Desk/World/Washington/ China and the US are set to take action against each other as tensions escalate over trade, cyber hacking and espionage as senior American law enforcement officials identified Beijing as the most serious threat to Washington’s national security, officials said.

China’s methods of non-traditional espionage, including their use of ordinary Chinese expatriates instead of spies at universities and businesses, and intellectual property theft, were explained by the officials from the FBI and Departments of Justice and Homeland Security who briefed US lawmakers on Wednesday.

“As the US proceeds a whole of society response to this threat, we must address the vulnerabilities within our system while preserving our values and the open,free and fair principles that have made us thrive,” E.W. Priestap, the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Assistant Director of Counter-intelligence told the Senate Judiciary Committee.

“What hangs in the balance is not just the future of the US, but the future of the world.” The Department of Justice’s (DOJ) top national security official told lawmakers on Wednesday the administration was reacting to China’s”steadily increasing” economic espionage activity, which costs the US an estimated $225 billion a year.

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