TIL Desk/National/New Delhi/ Extending his wishes to Gen Bipin Rawat, who took charge as first Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) on Wednesday, Union Home Minister Amit Shah said that the three defence forces under his leadership will collectively work in securing nation and fulfil aspirations of a New India.
Calling the occasion a “momentous and historic day” for India, Shah in a series of tweets, said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi fulfilled yet another long-pending demand and India got its first CDS, citing announcement which Modi made on August 15, 2019, from the ramparts of the Red Fort, saying India will soon have a CDS.
“I am confident that this decision will further strengthen India”s resolve to be among the best defence forces in the world,” Shah said. “I congratulate General Bipin Rawat, on taking charge as India”s first Chief of Defence Staff. I am sure under his leadership all the three forces will collectively work as a team and leave no stone unturned in securing our nation against all odds.”