
Cong. is Gandhi-Nehru family’s private limited company: Amit Shah

Cong. is Gandhi-Nehru family's private limited company: Amit Shah

TIL Desk/National/Jaipur/BJP chief Amit Shah has termed the Congress a private limited company of the Gandhi-Nehru family in which party workers are “ashamed” of chanting slogans for the country. He targeted the opposition party at a series of public meetings in poll-bound Rajasthan, where he also talked tough on illegal migration from Bangladesh.

He said the BJP government will try to expel illegal migrants “one by one” and asked Congress chief Rahul Gandhi to clarify whether he wanted “infiltrators” to remain in the country. “The Congress is not a democratic party.  It is a private limited firm of the Gandhi-Nehru family,” he said addressing an election rally in Kotputli in Jaipur district.

The Bharatiya Janata Party president also addressed meetings in Karauli and Nadoti in Karauli district, and in Bassi near Jaipur. Amit Shah referred to a reported incident in Bikaner where Congress workers chanting ‘Bharat mata ki jai’ were interrupted by ‘Sonia Gandhi ki jai’ slogans. “They are ashamed of chanting slogans for the country. It is a matter of shame for the Congress,” he said.

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