TIL Desk/National/New Delhi/ The Delhi High Court on Tuesday reserved its decision on a plea of Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and Deputy CM Manish Sisodia seeking quashing of a defamation complaint against them by BJP leader Vijender Gupta.
Justice Rajnish Bhatnagar, after hearing arguments on behalf of Kejriwal and Sisodia, said he will pass an order on their plea in-chamber. Kejriwal and Sisodia, apart from seeking quashing of the complaint, have also challenged the subsequent orders of the lower court framing charge against them and summoning them for trial in the defamation case.
Senior advocate Vikas Pahwa and advocate Arunadhri Iyer, appearing for the two Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leaders, told the court that only their clients were named in the complaint, when the alleged defamatory tweet was retweeted, commented upon and liked by thousands of others. “Law is very clear that defamation would apply to all of them,” Pahwa said.