TIL Desk/National/Jammu/ Former Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti on Friday warned the Centre of ‘dangerous outcomes’ of breaking the functioning of the People’s Democratic Party.”If Delhi tries to dismiss the voting rights of people like 1987, and if it tries to create divisions and interfere like that, then I think just like a Syed Salahuddin and a Yasin Malik were born in 1987, there will be dangerous consequences.
(Agar Dilli ne 1987 ki tarah yahan ki awam ke vote pe daaka dala, agar iss kism ki tod fod ki koshish ki,jis tarah ek Salahuddin ek Yasin Malik ne janm liya…agar Dilliwalon ne PDP ko todne ki koshish ki uski nataish bahut zyada khatarnaak hogi),” she told reporters in Srinagar, on the sidelines of a state event organised to commemorate Martyr’s Day.
Meanwhile, National Conference vice-president Omar Abdullah suggested that the state assembly be dissolved, following the breakup of the Bharatiya Janata Party-PDP alliance.”We cannot distribute the Constituency Development Fund (CDF). We cannot work then what is the point of salary? Give us our CDF. Dissolve assembly, stop horse trading. We will talk about elections after you dissolve the assembly, stop the horse trading, civilian killings,” he said.